Langhorne United Methodist Church 301 E. Maple Ave., Langhorne PA 19047 (215) 757-4984 Follow us on Facebook and X (Twitter)
Langhorne United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Fellowship of Believers Reaching Out That All Might Know Christ

Langhorne United
 Methodist Church
301 E. Maple Ave.
Langhorne PA 19047
Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m.
 Children's Sunday School
Fellowship Hall  
 9:30 a.m.
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Why Have a Meals Ministry?

"Share with God's people who are in need.
Practice hospitality." 
Romans 12:13 NIV 
The Meals Ministry of Langhorne United Methodist Church exist to provide meals to people in need or crisis; to be a blessing to families who are welcoming a new child into their home; to be a comfort in time of loss and grief; to be a community outreach to the homeless and hungry; and to provide a tangible opportunity for church members to express their love and care for our church body and local community.
Meals provide a way for us to say we care and we support you through this difficult time or as a way to celebrate the gift of new life. As A Fellowship of Believers Reaching Out That All Might Know Christ meals provide a way for us to share with God's people who are in need and to practice radical hospitality as exhorted in Romans 12:13. The LUMC family understands that there may come a time when an individual or family experiences a particular hardship and needs the loving support of family, friends and the body of Christ.
How does the Meal Ministry work?
  • The Director of Congregational Care receives the initial request for an individual or family that is in need of meals. He then calls the appropriate Meal Ministry Team Coordinator and relays the relevant information so that delivery of meals can be coordinated.
  • The Meal Ministry Team Coordinator will establish a meal schedule and inform volunteers via email and/or by phone. The Meal Ministry provides meals to families on a short or long-term basis, depending on the need.
What’s expected from Meal Ministers?
  • Prepare in advance. Plan your meal and have disposable pans and containers available so that nothing needs to be returned.
  • Call the recipient to confirm delivery time and clarify dietary restrictions.
  • Before you go, PRAY that the meal will be a blessing for the individual/family.
How can you get involved in a Meal Ministry?
  • Most importantly refer people who would be helped by this ministry. Families shy away from referring themselves. They need you to advocate for them.
  • Volunteer to cook and/or deliver meals to families. Your name will be placed on a list and you will be called as needed.
  • Let us know if your family would be helped by the meal ministry. We will bring hot meals to your door. You do not need to invite us in.
If you are interested in being part of the Meal Ministry or are in need of our services, please contact: 
Bill Bryan, Director of Congregational Care at 215-757-4984 (o) or 215-847-2130 (c) or email.
Lyn Wallace, Meal Ministry Team Coordinator 215-757-4984 (o) or 215-284-6081 (c) or email.