Langhorne United Methodist Church 301 E. Maple Ave., Langhorne PA 19047 (215) 757-4984 Follow us on Facebook and X (Twitter)
Langhorne United Methodist Church
Monday, March 31, 2025
A Fellowship of Believers Reaching Out That All Might Know Christ

Langhorne United
 Methodist Church
301 E. Maple Ave.
Langhorne PA 19047
Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m.
 Children's Sunday School
Fellowship Hall  
 9:30 a.m.
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
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7:05 a.m. Every
Thursday Morning
Langhorne Speedway Diner
Route 1, Langhorne, PA
A little history about the Men’s Breakfast Club…
     I want to thank our church secretary Judy Hardie for suggesting this name for our Thursday Morning Men’s Breakfast Get-Together. Necessity being the mother of invention she couldn’t fit the name I had into the space she had available so she thought the Men’s Breakfast Club would suit the gathering better. She said that 1985 movie The Breakfast Club had come to her mind. At first I didn’t really like the idea of a “club” because it conjured up thoughts of exclusiveness or “members only” which are totally opposite the concept of open and inclusive the men had in mind.
     Since June 2009 some of the men of our church have been meeting for breakfast as a way to touch base during the week for some mutual encouragement, Scripture reading, devotion and prayer. Guided by the Apostle Paul’s tutelage of Timothy to “devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture” we sought to leave the comfort of our church building so that we could meet more publicly. So in addition to ministering one-to-another we sought to be a public witness, after all we are members of Langhorne United Methodist Church, A Fellowship of Believers Reaching Out That All May Know Christ as Lord! 
     We have had other men who have heard the Word of God being read and discussed at our table come over and join us; talk to us from their table and share support and encouragement for us being there; we’ve been able to pray and even lay hands on persons that they might receive the special blessing and peace of Christ Jesus in their lives. We have been especially blessed with this opportunity to minister to each other as men from various walks of life we come together and check in on each other and/or unburden ourselves in an atmosphere of love and support.
     I recalled some parts of the movie The Breakfast Club, mostly things like the juvenile antics of the teenagers, the rough language, the challenges and criticisms they had toward each other. I decided to look up the movie on the internet and the stated plot of the movie is as follows:
Five high school students, all different stereotypes, meet in detention, where they pour their hearts out to each other, and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.
      This description was more fitting than either Judy or I had imagined. Can you identify with this story line? Does it touch something deep inside of you? Does it arouse in you a desire, a longing, to have someone in your life that you can talk to about the unfathomable thoughts of your life? Do you have someone in your life with whom you can talk openly and honestly without fear of judgment or condemnation? Are you experiencing depression, shame, guilt, desperation, physical pain, emotional pressure, anxiety, financial difficulties, or other undesirable life situations? Get connected to the body of Christ through one or more of the Caring Ministry small groups or prayer ministries of the Langhorne United Methodist Church, 301 E. Maple Ave., Langhorne, PA 19047-1667.
Bill Bryan - 215.847.2130 -
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